The following is the proposed slate of Officers and Trustees of the Florence Griswold Museum for election at the Annual Meeting on June 3, 2022.
Officers (one-year term) Deborah Moore, Chair
Lee Pritchard, Vice Chair
Jane Rapport, Secretary
Kay Clarke, Treasurer
Trustees (three-year term from 2022-2025)
First term:
Paul Holt
Valerie Koif
Kevin McGlinchey
John Noyes
Second term:
Susan Cartledge
Barbara Harms
Robert Wilber
Continuing Charter Trustees: (three-year term from 2022-2025)
Jeffrey Cooley
Robert Webster
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Rapport, Chair
Mary Ann Besier
Deborah Butler
Jeffrey Cooley
Paul Holt
Rick Millard
Barbara Smith
Katie Tuttle
Slate of Officers...